Icebreaker Games for Small Groups

Icebreaker game

Icebreaker games for small groups are a great way to get new members in the office to know each other. Using games is often less intimidating and more effective than formal introductions.

Why Icebreaker Games Are Useful

Icebreaker games are useful for introducing new members in the office or encouraging current associates to know each other better. Icebreaker games are used to start meetings, seminars or any other small assembly where people don't know each other very well. From low-pressure to slightly silly, starting a meeting with a game builds relationships, creates friendships and allows associates to relax.

Use icebreaker games for small groups in large groups just as easily. Break large groups into several small groups for a more intimate setting. Smaller groups allows each member to get acquainted easier.

Icebreaker Games for Small Groups to Play

There are a variety of icebreaker games and styles. Your group or assembly can use one or several during the course of the meeting. Using a game at the beginning helps introduce members and get the momentum of the meeting off to a positive start.

Icebreaker Games

  • Who Am I? - This game starts with members choosing a celebrity or famous person, but keeping the choice to their selves. Each person writes the name of his or her well-known person on a sticky note and sticks it to another group member's forehead. Each member with a sticky note then asks questions, one at a time, until he or she guess the correct famous person. Questions should be simple, such as "Am I male?", and have yes or no answers. Adjust the rules to suit the needs of the group. Each person may have only a few chances to ask questions, or be able to ask until the correct famous person is chosen.
  • Talk Show Game - This icebreaker starts by the group pairing off into smaller groups of two. The pairs then ask each other three questions about one another. Once each group is finished, the pairs take turns introducing the other to the entire group by announcing them and the answers to the three questions in the manner that a talk show host would use.
  • Marooned - Groups of any age and size can have fun with this icebreaker. Use it during introductions or at any time during a meeting to revitalize the group. Ask the question, "If marooned on a desert island, what three people would you want with you?" Allow the group a few minutes to think about their answers and then ask them who they chose and why. Change the rules for this game to coincide with any theme or setting of your choice.
  • Mixer - Taking the idea from speed dating, this icebreaker is a great informal way for group members to get to know each other. Allow a set amount of time for each person to pair up with another and have a short conversation. Once the time is up, everyone finds a new person. You set the amount of time given, depending on how many people are in the group and the topics of conversation.

When Planning Icebreaker Games

With a variety of icebreaker games to choose from, choosing the wrong game can make the atmosphere worse rather than more relaxed. In a formal business setting, don't use games that are physical or too personal. Keep the theme of the games light and funny. Laughing together helps break the ice and allows the group to relax better than formal introductions. Get creative and change the rules of the games to suit the needs of your specific group. Keep things simple, especially at the beginning of a meeting. Don't use complicated games to start the day or it may end in frustration for some. Watch and interact with the group or groups to see that they are having a good time. Switch things up and use a different game if the first one chosen isn't going over well.


Icebreaker games are a fun way to add personality and creativity to any type of group or office setting.

  • Written by Traci Benoit
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Icebreaker Games for Small Groups